Math is Order

Clothing and apparel store featuring the Math is Order™ brand

About Us

What is the business of Math is Order™ ? What is its mission and why?

The Math is Order  Company is an online seller of wearable garments containing uplifting messages or mathematical designs pointing to the order and disorder in nature.  

Our mission is to raise awareness and interest of Mathematics as Order.  

When taking this broader perspective of 'math as order', in general -- not just  the order in numbers and symbols -- we feel that math can be relate-able, relevant, and interesting to so many more.   Then whether one is studying the beautiful order in a tree structure or studying the order in a dance routine, they are in either case engaged in math, carefully observing the order involved.  From this perspective, no one has to anymore think 'I'm not good at math', we'll discover our capability for ending disorder, and this will lead us to the highest order.    

So, we are eagerly spreading the word that 'Math is Order' and  order brings happiness!  By wearing our comfortable, high-quality, and uplifting garments you will help spread this message and together we'll put an end to disorder!

Math is Order™ also provides free Youtube tutorials on the math of numbers and symbols, covering a growing number of topics ranging from pre-algebra through calculus, physics, and beyond.  Check out these tutorials by clicking on the Youtube link below.